stories from the Land of Morning Calm

There are so many good quality websites, blogs and destination guides out there, covering pretty much every aspect of Korea and Korean traditional and pop culture at this point. More top ten lists, how tos and best _____s than you can shake a stick at, and that’s great! But we don’t want to do that. With Epilogue_Korea we want to produce quality reportage journalism and digital media with a focus on individuality and creativity. Original stories accompanied by high-quality photography; interviews with local entrepreneurs, artists and special talents; rare and skilled traditions; travel journals, photo essays and more.

The term epilogue means the final section or speech at the end of a literary work. Perhaps a less conclusive name would have been more apt. But epilogues, such as they are, can be more than just the end; they can suggest something beyond the work in question. They can give the reader a resolution, certainly, but also the possibilities of what happens next.

Instagram: @epiloguekorea